REELZ Marketing Producer/Editor Shares One of His Favorite Local Spots

Written by Chris Garcia

October 28, 2020   |   Independent News   |  

By Chris Garcia

I know it’s a little over said to say at this point, but I love helping local businesses, and I was recently given the task to create a PSA thanking everyone out there still fighting the good fight and doing the best they can to keep things afloat. Part of the groups we were thanking was the small businesses, and I thought, “why just say thank you when I can show our thanks” so I looked up some of my favorite local businesses and started calling away. The business I ended up calling was one of my favorites – The Safari Grill in Albuquerque, NM. They serve a variety of food from American, Indian and African cuisine. Back in my High school days, I would drive past it, never knowing what it was until I muscled up the courage and took my younger brothers to eat there. I remember I order perfectly: the safari burger with a side of cassava (like a yucca). I don’t know what kind of dipping sauce came with the Cassava, but I was immediately hooked. Fast forward to now, they moved locations to the college district and are doing what they can during these trying times.

When I called up the owner, Shaina Mohamed, I told her how I love the food and the history I had with the restaurant through yelp and past experiences and if she would be ok with me filming a portion of the PSA in her restaurant. I explained what we’d be doing and that I plan on buying as many of their delicious beef samosas (basically a beef stuffed pastry) that my wallet and stomach can take. The PSA will be out soon, and I can’t wait to share it with Shaina and the Safari Grill (Editor’s Note: It’s out now!); they’ll always have my business. Once things start to be less crazy and if you ever find yourself taking a wrong turn in Albuquerque, make sure to make a stop at the Safari grill – tell them Chris sent you.

